
Who We Are?

My name is Logan Wood and together with my girlfriend, I run this site about various hobbies we were “inspired” by.

When we say Inspired we mean that our daily lives are inspired by them.

Together we participate in various hobbies to discover our true self.

Why this site?

I wanted to create a site where I would share the experiences with the various hobbies we live by.

When you take on a hobby whether it is speedcubing or chess playing or bowling there is always a ton of things you should learn and know about.

This is my chance to share what I learned with others.

I decided to spend a big amount of time on various hobbies and activities which is not something many people would do. Beside my day job this website is another thing I work on when I am not hiking with friends or solving my rubiks cube, figuring out how to do it even faster and better.

Feel free to ask me anything by contacting me on my contact page here.